Testimonial from Pauline Turner of Thrapston Primary on humanutopia Workshops

Half way through the first training day and I am so impressed with the work that has been done so far. Listening to the children has been a real eye-opener and a real sense of purpose for me in this day. To me, the difference that Humanutopia has made today is very clear. My staff has been really positive about the day. They didn’t know a lot about it, some of them came quite skeptical, but they are already saying that they can see that it will make a real difference to the way that they work with the children. Particularly around making sure that they are Ok before the lesson starts. That’s a very big thing that the staff talked about.

We are going to live Humanutopia for the next one to three years. However long it takes us to be absolutely fully ingrained in it. We are really looking forward to it.

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