Student Mental Health

How to make school a happy place

Are you looking for new & improved ways to build confidence and improve student mental health? Our programmes inspire students, improve the classroom atmosphere and help achieve outstanding Ofsted standards.

Confidence-building activities and improving student mental health are key outcomes of our programmes. To date, humanutopia has worked with over 620,000 young people, leaving a lasting impact in more than 615 schools & academies.  Equipping students with positive self-belief and sense of wellbeing is key to improving the classroom environment for everyone. As the number one choice of externally provided leadership and volunteering programmes in UK schools, we motivate students to make positive changes in their lives, society, and the world.

Our Programmes Supporting Student Mental Health

Our confidence building courses range from powerful 1-day self-esteem workshops to transformational 5-day programmes.

Who Am I

Who Am I is our highly acclaimed, and much sought-after, flagship programme. Since its first introduction in 2004, Who Am I has helped over 300,000 young people.

Staff Courses

Rediscover your passion for teaching with our transformative CPD courses. Immerse yourself in an experience that transcends the conventional and rekindles your purpose.

Peer Mentoring

Our 5-day programme offers students and schools the best chance of sustaining the amazing impact of our courses – providing a range of life skills.


Motivational workshops to boost student motivation and inspire your students? Our programmes elevate self-esteem and aspirations, achieving outstanding Ofsted standards.

Final Push

Designed for Year 11 and 13 students, The Final Push addresses their unique pressures. It helps them express and rationalise fears, reassess priorities, and set achievable goals.

Online Courses

Explore our engaging online courses, designed to boost student motivation, self-esteem, and aspirations. Access high-quality content anytime, ensuring continuous growth and achievement.

Get in touch & find out more

 FAQs about Student Mental Health

Understanding and supporting student wellbeing and mental health is important for fostering a positive and productive school environment. This set of FAQs addresses common concerns and questions related to student mental health, providing insights into how schools, teachers, and peers can contribute to a supportive atmosphere.

student mental health hope


student mental health confidence


student mental health happiness


Student wellbeing refers to the overall mental, physical, emotional, and social health of students. It encompasses how students feel about themselves and their lives, including their sense of purpose, resilience, and ability to manage stress. Wellbeing is important for academic success and personal development, as it impacts concentration, motivation, and engagement in school activities. Schools play a vital role in promoting wellbeing through supportive environments, fostering positive relationships, and providing resources and programmes that address students' diverse needs.

Schools can support student mental health by creating a positive and inclusive environment, providing access to mental health resources, and integrating social-emotional learning into the curriculum. Training staff to recognise signs of mental health issues and offering counselling services are also essential. Programmes that teach coping strategies, stress management, and resilience can empower students to manage their mental health effectively. Collaborating with parents and community organisations ensures a comprehensive support network for students.

Common signs of mental health issues in students include changes in behaviour, mood swings, withdrawal from social activities, decline in academic performance, and changes in sleeping or eating habits. Other indicators can be excessive worrying, frequent physical complaints like headaches or stomachaches, and difficulty concentrating. It is important for teachers and parents to be vigilant and approach students with care and support if they notice these signs of student mental health problems.

Resilience is important for students as it enables them to cope with challenges, setbacks, and stress. Resilient students are more likely to persevere through difficulties, maintain a positive outlook, and achieve their goals. Building resilience involves developing problem-solving skills, fostering supportive relationships, and encouraging a growth mindset. Schools can help by creating a supportive environment, teaching coping strategies, and providing opportunities for students to overcome challenges in a safe and structured way.

Mindfulness can significantly benefit students by improving their focus, reducing stress, and enhancing emotional regulation. Practising mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgement, which can help students manage anxiety and increase their overall sense of wellbeing. Schools can incorporate mindfulness exercises into daily routines, such as guided breathing exercises or meditation sessions, to help students develop these skills and apply them in their daily lives.

Peer relationships are vital for student mental health as they provide social support, a sense of belonging, and opportunities for positive interactions. Healthy peer relationships can boost self-esteem, reduce feelings of isolation, and promote emotional wellbeing. Schools can encourage positive peer interactions through group activities, cooperative learning, and peer mentoring programmes. Addressing issues like bullying and fostering an inclusive environment are also crucial for maintaining healthy peer relationships.

Physical activity is beneficial for student mental health as it reduces stress, anxiety, and depression while enhancing mood and cognitive function. Regular exercise releases endorphins, which improve overall wellbeing and energy levels. Schools can promote physical activity by providing ample opportunities for sports, physical education classes, and extracurricular activities. Encouraging active play and incorporating movement into the classroom can also help students stay physically and mentally healthy.

Academic pressure can significantly impact student mental health, leading to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Excessive pressure to perform well can cause students to feel overwhelmed and affect their self-esteem and motivation. Schools can help mitigate these effects by promoting a balanced approach to academics, encouraging healthy study habits, and providing support for managing stress. Creating a supportive and understanding environment where students feel comfortable seeking help is also critical.

Teachers can create a supportive classroom environment by fostering positive relationships, promoting inclusivity, and being attentive to students' emotional needs. Encouraging open communication, providing constructive feedback, and creating a safe space for students to express themselves are essential. Incorporating social-emotional learning activities and being responsive to students' individual challenges can help build a nurturing and supportive classroom community.

Students struggling with mental health can access various resources, including school counsellors, mental health hotlines, online support groups, and local mental health services. Schools can provide information on these resources and facilitate connections to professional help when needed. Encouraging students to speak openly about their mental health and reducing the stigma around seeking help is vital. Additionally, educational materials and workshops on mental health awareness can empower students to take charge of their wellbeing.