5 Live

About 5 Live
- This course will empower students to feel positive about themselves, their future and their relationships.
- This is a values driven programme, in which students will complete a series of challenges to explore the concepts of honesty, awareness and responsibility.
- Students will interact and work with students from other schools in the knowledge that they will be in year 6 soon.
- The programme highlights the importance of developing key life skills and promotes making changes in order to take control of their life.
- To provide students with the opportunity to reflect on the important role they will play as leaders in school
- To provide powerful teaching moments in which all young people can see why diversity is so important
- To challenge the students to reflect on how authentic or not they are in school, helping them to understand the root causes of inauthenticity.
- To inspire young people to be proud of themselves and to provide platforms on which to share their individuality.
- To highlight and celebrate the importance of developing a wide range of important lifeskills and qualities.
Don’t take our word for it…
“humanutopia has transformed relationships across the school. It has enabled every child to feel a valued and cared for member of the school community and it ensures that every child has a voice beyond their class room.”
– Lorraine Dolan, Headteacher, Holy Trinity & St Silas Primary School
- Specific support for a year group to foster positive relationships, behaviour, address bullying, improve students’ confidence and self esteem
- Complement and bring to life existing PSHE and wellbeing in school – a chance for students to explore and experience concepts for themselves
- Possible connection/collaboration with secondary schools, other trust primaries or schools in a local authority area
Year 5 (England and Wales)
P6 (Scotland)
Full or half day session with the whole year group, or one class at a time
- What do the core values of honesty, awareness and responsibility really mean? How they can be applied in life but in particular during their programme.
- Talking & working with people outside your own friendship circle
- Teamwork, cooperation, task planning, problem solving, effective communication, reflection & analysis
- Transferring the learning & applying it in school
- Next steps to apply the learning in school