Schools Outside the UK

The world is a much smaller place than back in 2004 when we started humanutopia. The proliferation of the internet, social media & cheap air travel has meant that we are more connected than we have ever been on Planet Earth. There was a time when no one outside of London had heard of humanutopia because as a very small company that’s where we did most of our work. In 2021 however, our work is known and in demand in many countries across the world.
Before the Covid Pandemic, we were almost ready to launch two new projects in India & Australia – which will both be reignited once we are all safe again. humanutopia USA was launched in December 2020 & again once travel restrictions are lifted, work will begin to bring our fabulous programmes to the schools and students of the USA.
Perhaps the two most notable & successful overseas exports of our courses have been in Colombia & the Netherlands. In a five year period primarily in Bogota but subsequently in the cities of Medellin & Baranquilla in over 10 schools our teams have successfully worked with primary & secondary aged students all hailing from very diverse backgrounds. Any language barriers were broken down by volunteers speaking both English & Spanish but despite some obvious cultural differences the programmes were received brilliantly & with acclaim.
It is a similar story in Holland where our teams have worked in Rotterdam, Amsterdam & Utrecht in over 10 schools. Our work in Holland created that much interest that our founding Director, Graham Moore was invited to be the Keynote speaker at the prestigious Nuffic education conference to over 500 Dutch teachers. Our programmes generated over 100 volunteer Heroes that have gone on to become significant & positive role models for younger children.
Each week we receive enquiries and interest from many different people across the world who are intrigued by what we do & how we do it. Why not write to us & let’s see if your school & country could be next to benefit from our unique programmes?